This sprayed applied natural soil sealant is scientifically formulated specifically for the agriculture market.
The protective properties of this product when applied and cured on soil will significantly reduce the amount of soil and chemicals lost through wind and rain erosion. A more concentrated application of Soil Armour will replace the black plastic soil cover used for both vegetable and fruit production.
Soil Erosion
Soil erosion reduces cropland productivity and contributes to the pollution of adjacent waterways, wetlands, and lakes. Chemical loss resulting from soil erosion is a major water quality pollutant creating increased levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in surface waters and is one of the leading contributors to reduced water quality.
Plastic mulching involves the use of thin plastic sheeting to conserve moisture and boost temperatures in soil. The use of these plastics results in polyethylene residues that contaminate agricultural soils and contribute to the massive worldwide plastic pollution, a serious environmental concern. One estimate suggested that 107,000 to 730,000 tons of microplastics could be dumped onto agricultural soils in the U.S. and Europe every year, compared to the 93,000 to 236,000 tons that enter the oceans.